Monday, 14 May 2018


1aii. With the aid of a suitable equation, explain the process of electrophoresis
Answer: Electrophoresis is the process of migration of charged molecules through solutions in an applied electric field. It is classified according to the presence or absence of a solid supporting medium or matrix through which the charged molecules move in the electrophoretic system. It is used to analyze and separate colloids (e.g proteins) or to deposit coating, as  elements used in electron tubes.  All types of electrophoresis are governed by a single set of equation or general principle, stated below:
Mobility of a molecule =  ((applied voltage)(net charge on molecule))/((friction of the molecule))
Or    V = Eq/F
Where V= velocity of the molecule
  E= electric field (V/cm)
Q= the net charge on molecule
F= frictional coefficient, which depends upon the mass and shape of the molecule.
The mobility or rate of migration of a molecule increases with increased applied voltage and increased net charge on the molecule. Conversely, the mobility of a molecule decreases with increased molecular friction, or resistance to flow through the viscous medium, caused by molecular size and shape. Total actual movement of the molecules increases with increased time, since mobility is defined as the rate of migration.

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