Saturday, 24 February 2018


Qualitative education is the backbone of every enlightened society. It is the pride of the individual, the pride of the family and indeed the pride of nation as a whole. Access to qualitative education is highly responsible for the development of every society. A society that provides qualitative education to its people will be more progressive and highly developed. As this government is pursuing various education reforms necessary to support the implementation of first class standard education system that will accurately measure students/graduates readiness for college or career training, the education system of Kaduna state can be upgraded through:
Providing quality education, free education and scholarships to students.
Employing qualified teachers/tutors with at least Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), good values and professional experience.
Provide good structure of curriculum and conducive environment for learning.
Renovation and expansion of schools (especially public primary and secondary schools).
Building and equipping more standard classrooms (chairs and tables), laboratories and libraries e.t.c to promote learning and research.
Motivating teachers through enhancing their salary package, easy access to loans and training.
Strict supervision and monitoring of teachers and funds meant for school management.
Health facilities (health centres, personnel, drugs and medical equipment) are inadequate in the state especially in the rural areas. The performance of the health sector can be improve by maintaining, upgrading, rebuilding and expanding  hospitals, primary health centres, collection and monitoring of health data, provision of essential drugs, improve on immunization programs, promote treatment of epidemic diseases, improve material, child care, family planning, educate people on prevailing health problems and the methods of preventing and controlling.
The performance of roads in Kaduna state has not been satisfactory despite its enormous potentials for growth and development. The provision of standards road and transportation facilities are fundamentally important to the development of Kaduna state as well as the well being of its inhabitant. An efficient and affordable public transport system should be a major priority of this administration. Recently, roads within Kaduna states are in bad conditions due to population growth, increased number of motorists, narrow intra-city roads, poor planning of housing structure, poor road maintainance which causes traffic congestion and difficult movement within urban areas (Kaduna city). However the railway services is not efficient and the inter-city transportation (taxi and buses) is informal these are weaknesses that needs to be addressed in the development plan. These problems can be tackled through:
Urban planning
Expansion and construction of standard roads and bridges. Maintainance and rehabilitation of overall transport system in order to ease movement and boost socio-economic growth.
Improving the mobility of the population as well as improving links that will be economically beneficial. A high speed rail link forms a key part of this; the purpose of the high speed railway is to link Kaduna city with Kaduna airport and other major cities.
A new tram and/or improved bus service, including regulated services offering direct links to locations across the city.
Development of a new ring road to ease city centre congestion, improve mobility and provide good network roads that will ease transportation from rural to urban area and vice versa.

Improving Agricultural sector:
Agriculture can be improved through the following:
Provision of fertilizer to farmers at subsidized price,
Provision of agricultural latest technology
Provision of pest control and other useful agriculture chemicals
Provision of Agricultural insurance
Rural electrification
Support large and small scale irrigation skills
Adoption of world best agricultural practices and training
Public enlightenment and training of farmers on how to use modern facilities and technology.

Industrialization and Job creation:
Industralization is critical to economic development because it equips nation with the skills, equipment and processes to make fuller and better use of its resources for greater and more diversified production and exchange. Industrialization is a way to increase the state income, to secure employment opportunities, expand market for local raw materials and a means of increasing internal generated revenue. Industries in Kaduna State can be developed through:
Encourage private industries
Luring foreign investors to invest in the state
Nurturing and funding of small and medium industries
Providing infrastructure, enabling business regulatory and conducive environment
Promoting and supporting, development and training services in tertiary institutions
Identification of key industrial sectors
Development of a focused and clear industrial strategy
Reviving textile industries: The revival of the textile industries will play a major role in government effort to curb unemployment and low internal generated revenue. This administration should intervene and accelerate in finding possible ways to revive the textile industries through solving the problems of poor infrastructure, electricity supply, and smuggling of fake raw materials.
Employing youths that will be well trained, adequately equipped and goal driven security agents, peace corps, park rangers and traffic inspectors.
Promoting inclusive development, so that women, minorities and vulnerable populations benefit from socio-economic growth and opportunities.

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