Friday, 15 December 2017


The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), established by decree No.15 of 1993 as amended is a parastatal of the Federal ministry of Health, with the mandate to regulate and control quality standard for foods, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, chemicals, Detergents and packaged water imported, manufactured locally and distributed in Nigeria.
To achieve this mandate, the agency embarks in various activities. These include:
Inspection of regulated products at ports of entry and land borders. Regulate and control the importation, exportation, manufacture, advertisement, distribution, sale and use of drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals.
Compile and publish relevant data resulting from the performance of the function of the Agency or from other source.
Sponsor such national and international conference as it may consider appropriate.
Liaise with relevant establishments within and outside Nigeria in pursuance of its functions.
Conducts appropriate test and ensure compliance with standard specifications designated and approved by the council of effective control of quality of food, drug, cosmetics, `medical devices, water and chemicals with their raw materials as well as their production processes in factories and other establishments.
Undertake appropriate investigation into the production premises and raw materials for food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals and establish relevant quality assurance system, including certification of the production sites and the regulated products.
Compile standard specifications and regulations and guidelines for the production, importation, exportation, sale and distribution of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals.
Undertake inspection of imported food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals and establish relevant quality assurance system, including certification of the production site and of the regulated product.
Undertake the registration of food, drugs, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals.
Control the exportation and issue quality certification of foods, drugs, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals intended for export.
Establish and maintain relevant laboratories or other institutions in strategic areas of Nigeria as may be necessary for performance of its functions.
Pronounce on the quality and safety of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals after appropriate analysis.
Undertake measures to ensure that the use of narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances as well as other controlled substances.

The scope of this mandate puts the responsibility of investigate and pronounces on the compendia (collection of detailed item of information) requirements of regulated products. It undertakes analysis of foods, drugs, cosmetics, packaged water and medical device using the standard operation procedure; confirm each test base on the quality assurance.

Safeguarding the health of the nation
To safeguard public health by ensuring that only the right quality drugs, food and other regulated products are manufactured, imported, exported, advertised, distributed, sold and used.

(NAFDAC) is headed by a chairman who presides over a governing council appointed by the president on the recommendation of the Minister of Health. Other council members are:
1. The permanent secretary of the Ministry of Health.
2. The Director-General of NAFDAC.
3. Standard organization of Nigeria (SON)
4. The National institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIDPR).
5. The chairman of the pharmacist’ council of Nigeria (PCN)
6. The chairman of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).
7. A representative each of the Pharmaceutical Group and the Food and Beverages Group of the Manufacturers’ Association of Nigeria.
 Three people from the general public are members in the council.

There are nine (9) directorates in the agency which play specific roles in achieving NAFDAC’s mandate. The directorates are as follows:

1. Administration and Human Resources Directorate: This directorate handles staff recruitment/appointment, staff promotion, transfer and posting in the agency. It is also involved in the documentation of new staff, prepares staff nominal roll and issues identity cards.
2. Finance and Accounts Directorate: This directorate co-ordinates the general day to day financial functions of the agency disburse funds of the agency as approved by the management, pay all staff salaries as at when due, prepare budget estimate for the agency etc.
3. Directorate of Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS): This is a service directorate that is responsible for planning, researching and collection of statistical data as well as co-coordinating and documenting the activities of the other entire directorate for efficient achievement of the goals of the agency. They also co-ordinate pharmacy and medical internship and industrial attachment training program for the agency.
4. Laboratory Services Directorate: This directorate is task with the analysis and pronouncement of the quality and safety of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, chemical, detergent, drinks, bottled and packaged water. It also serves as reference laboratory for the other government agencies.
5. Establishment Inspection Directorate (EID): This directorate is responsible for good manufacturing practices, inspection of local establishment engaged in the manufacturing, sale, storage, distribution and use of food drugs, medical devices etc. They also investigate consumer complaints and alert notices.
6. Ports Inspection Directorate (PID): This directorate is responsible for the regulatory activities concerning the movement of drugs, food, package water, cosmetics etc. at all ports of entry and border post, airports and islanders container terminals in the country.
7. Enforcement Directorate: This directorate handles all matters concerning enforcement in its entire ramification which involves the prosecution of manufactures and importer of fake product.
8. Registration and Regulation Directorate (R & R): This directorate undertakes the registration of drug, food and other regulated products locally manufactured, imported, sold and advertised in Nigeria. It also monitors national and international scientific development and initiatives that may affect public health and develops appropriate measure to address it.
9. Narcotics and Controlled Substances Directorate: This directorate controls the importation, manufacture and sales of narcotics and psychotropic substances with the main objective of ensuring that the drugs or other controlled substances like food items are available only for consumption purpose.

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