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Monday, 16 October 2017
Satellite is a moon, planet or machine that orbits a planet or star, for example, earth is a satellite because it orbits the sun. Likewise, the moon is a satellite became it orbits earth. Usually, the word “Satellite” refers to a machine that is launched into space and moves around earth or another body in space.
The joint Global multi – nation birds satellite projects acronym as “ Birds project” is an international joint development and operations projects of cubesats. Kyushu institute of technology, Japan and Asian – African Nations participated in these projects. These five cubesats are first round of project and called BIRDS 1. These five Birds project cubsats were launched on June 4 2017 aboard the Dragon CRS – 11 (SPX – 11) and prepared for pre – deployment works such as setting up of JEM small satellite orbital Deployer (J – SSOD) in the “Kibo” module.
Five birds projects CubeSats
Names Countries
Toki Japan
Ghana sat 1 Ghana
Mazaalai Mongolai
Nigeria Edu Sat 1 Nigeria
BRAC Onnesha Bangladesh
What is CubeSats?
Cube sat is a micro satellite whose basic size is 10 cubic cm (called 1u) with 2u (20cm in height) and 3u (30cm in height) sizes also been available
About bird
Bird are a small technological cube sat (1u) built by Kyushu institute of technology (KIT) as the joint global multi – nation Birds satellite project, which is a cross – border instars disciplinary satellite project for non space faring countries supported by Japan.
Bird 1 Mission
Participating countries for the Bird 1 mission are: Ghana , Mongolia, Nigeria, Japan and Bangladesh. It is a two year project designed for students to develop and operate five units of identical 1u cube sat belongs to the five participating countries and operating from 7 ground stations.
Birds 2 mission
Also A second round for the bird’s project which is BIRDS – 2 has not been launched yet. It is planned for 2018 with Philippine, Blunter and Malagesic participating.
FUTA launches Birds 1 satellite
At exactly 10: 07, the FUTA made history when the space X falcon 9 rockets launched Birds 1 satellite, comprising 5 cubesats which belongs to Japan, Ghana, Mongolia, Nigeria and Bangladesh into space from Kennedy space centring Florida, USA
The Nigerian cube sat, code named Nigeria Edusat – 1 , is designed, built and owned by FUTA in collaboration with NASRDA, Abuja. Nigeria and Kyushu institute of Technology Japan.
Problems encountered before launched.
The initial launch was scheduled for Thursday June 1 was aborted due to adverse weather condition
Objective of the Edusat – 1
1. The major objective of the Edusat 1 is capacity building, i.e domesticating the satellite technology in FUTA and making the technology a common business among staff and Students, of the University in Nigeria for the purpose of research, resources and environmental management as well as sustainable socio – economic development of the Nation.
Mission for the launch of Bird – 1 Sat.
The birds 1 – constellation consist of five 1u cube sat – (bird – B, Bird – J, Bird, G, Gird – m and Bird – N) . They launched to the 1ss on a space x falcon 9 CRS – 11 on June 3, 2017. The satellite are made of the exactly the same design and use the same amateur radio frequency.
The main mission of the constellation is to do experiments on radio communication with a cube sat constellation via a network of UHF/VHF amateur radio ground station all over the world. Also a challenge is to distinguish each satellite from the others sharing the serve transmit frequency, handover operation on a satellite from one ground station to another and assemble the satellite data, such as housekeeping, telemetry, music and the earth images obtained at different ground stations.
Bird (Bispectral and infrared remote detection) is a satellite launched by ISRO in 2001 for DLR. It is a small (92kg ) box like system with solar panel two collector on stub wings, has remarkable fire – detection qualities. It holds a two channel infrared sensor system in combination with a wide Angle optoelectronic stereo scanner (WAOSS) it is also features a neuronal network classificatory in orbit to reduce downlink band width and cost.
During this 2 years project., students shall design, develop and operate 5units of identical 1U CubeSats (1kg, 10cm cubic) belonging to the five participating countries and operated from 7 ground stations (operation is done at 7 ground stations; the 5 participating countries including Thailand and Taiwan) to form first time in the world a constellation of 5 CubeSats operated in 7 networked ground stations. 15 students from 6 of the 7 participating countries who belong to Graduate school of Engineering of the Kyushu Institute of Technology and enrolled as a Master or Doctoral degree students in Space Engineering International Course are executing this project. with the support of 4 faculty members. This project hopes to provide great leverage to students from developing nations for hands on satellite project.
The name “BIRDS” comes from the official title: Joint Global Multi-Nation Birds Project, or JGMNB Project. The first letter in each word also represents the nations in this project. It is a constellation of satellites as well as a constellation of ground stations. For many participating nations (Ghana, Mongolia, Bangladesh), it is their first indigenous satellite into space.
● Teach engineering graduate students (from overseas and from Japan) the entire process for putting a satellite into space – from mission planning, to hardware design, to spacecraft testing, to launching, and to in-orbit operation.
● Lay down the foundation for a sustainable space program in non-space-faring countries by building-up human capital in universities – i.e., create a university space research and education program using graduating students.
● Most importantly, using the same students, create an international human network that can assist members to develop their infant space programs through cooperation and by sharing information and experiences.
• The proposed BIRDS satellite is a 1U CubeSat with dimensions 100 mm ×100 mm ×113.5 mm and a mass of 1 kg. Internal Configuration
• The BIRDS satellite has a single motherboard called the backplane. Power for mission and bus system is supplied mainly through circuits printed on the backplane. The backplane has six female connectors (front panel assembly, OBC, Battery, Transmitter, Mission and Antenna). This arrangement is based on University of Wolfsburg (UWE3) CubeSat. Minimum harnesses are used thus reducing the overall mass of the satellite. Two transmitters (9600 bps and 1200 bps) are mounted on the interior. External Configuration
• Two Cameras and a patch antenna for the mission are mounted on the +Y face. Solar panels are mounted on other faces of the Cubesat. The Access port and RBF pins are on the –Y face. Deployable antennas shall be deployed from both + Z and -Z axis. Separation springs for interfacing with the Japan Experimental Module Small Satellite Orbital Deployer(J-SSOD) are mounted diagonally on the rail standoffs on the –Z face of the Cubesat. Deployment Switches are mounted adjacent to the two separation springs.
BIRDS Mission – Six Functions
1. Take photograph of homeland via onboard cameras (CAM)
• Using 2 Cameras (SCAMP at 3MP and OV5642 at 5MP located on +Y).
2. Digi-singer Mission (SNG)
• Broadcast of signals from satellites to Ham Radio receivers (UHF band)
3. Determination of Satellite Precise Location (POS)
• Using analysis of TOA from time lag among multiple ground stations.
4. Atmospheric Density Measurement (ATM)
• Using Orbital analysis from precise satellite tracking information (POS).
5. Demonstrate Ground Station Network for CubeSat Constellation (NET)
• Using Amateur radio frequencies.
6. Measure single-event-latchup in orbit (SEL)
• By taking log of microcontroller reset events over period of time.
Mission Objectives
Music files in a midi format shall be pre- installed in the mission memory before launch and can also be uplinked from ground station via the amateur VHF(145MHz) frequency.
SNG system comprises of onboard midi and voice synthesizer which shall convert the midi files to audio files and broadcast them via amateur UHF (437.375MHz) frequency to ground receivers (e.g., ham radio operators).
Music files to be uploaded could be national anthems, copyright-free music from the general public, and so on.
Also, for popular and fun outreach functions, the general public will have the chance to request a favorite song to be uploaded to BIRDS CubeSat via the BIRDS Project Website. If you have other ideas, please let us know.
Mission Merits
TECHNOLOGY EXPANSION -This mission expands satellite radio communication technology (Amateur Radio Communication)
EDUCATIONAL -This mission helps to educate the younger generation on the benefits of using space, and to appreciate the beauty of this enterprise -This mission helps to fire their imagination about space engineering and associated technology –the mission can excite them -Students can be trained on how to make a simple handy receiver.
SOCIAL -This mission gives the general public more awareness of satellite radio communications, and of its interesting applications.
1. BIRD. A DLR small satellite mission for the invention of vegetation fires and vegetation conclusion
2. DLR ( Deutsches zenturm for inftuned Raumfahrt) German Aerospace Centre ISRO (Indian space research organisation )
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