Saturday, 28 October 2017


Appropriate design and standards for the control of specific pollutants should be put in place
There should be awareness campaign inform of information and communication, which means that health education should be directed to all members of the society
There should be environmental regulation, codes, standard guidelines and laws to control pollution
Agencies should be established by all tiers of government that will enforce set standards and regulations
Environmental health assessment should be fully carried out as a major integral part of environmental impact assessment prior to the establishment of industries
The environmental impact assessment report should be strictly implemented by all stakeholders
There should be an effective mechanism in place as response to emergency cases of pollution
Proper urban and regional planning of industrial areas i.e industries should be sited faraway from residential areas
Industries should minimize the burning of fossil fuels or change to less polluting fuels
Adequate ventilation at work places
Industrial effluents should be adequately and properly treated before discharged into water
Regular monitoring and detection of environmental pollution.
Techniques of Creating Environmental Awareness and Education
Environmental awareness needs to be created through formal and informal education to all sections of the society, because environment belongs to all. Techniques of creating environmental awareness include:
Among students (through education): environmental education must be imparted to student’s right from childhood stage. Environmental education should be introduced as a subject at all stages including at college level
Among the masses (through mass media): the media can play an important role to educate the masses on environmental issues through articles, environmental rallies, plantation campaigns, street plays, advertisement and Tv shows.
Public representatives forums for members of parliament and legislators to discuss environmental problems faced by the country
Research and development programmes for seeking solution to different environmental problems
Training professionals like engineers, architect and other personnel in the industries
Designing instrument and technologies which are environmentally friendly and motivating people to use it for certain sustainable growth
Training legal experts to deal with environmental legislation protection and claims in case of violation of environmental laws
Publication and distribution of environmental related resource materials in form of pamphlets or booklets published by ministry of environment
Organizing training, refresher courses and workshops for in service teachers dealing with environmental education.
Ways of Empowering Civil Societies, NGOs and Community Members to Serve as Watchdogs against Environmental Pollution
The academicians and technocrats should engage and educate members of the civil societies and NGOs on environmental education through workshops, public lectures, research and public enlightenment
Influential member and leaders in the communities should support, co-operate and participate in NGOs and civil society activities on environmental protection
National and multinational companies should support and collaborate with NGOs and civil societies in environmental campaign awareness
Law enforcement agencies and judiciary should assist the NGOs and civil societies in seeing to it that all establishments, agencies and individuals that run foul of the laws of the country on environmental protection are promptly apprehended and sanction as appropriate
The legislature should co-operate with the NGOs and civil societies in passing appropriate laws that will regulate the management of environment in Nigeria
NGOs and civil societies should in occasional programs discuss on environmental related issues in the electronic media as a means of informing and educating people
NGOs and civil societies should be recognised by government for taking special interest in prevention of environmental pollution
Students and members of the community should be encouraged to join NGOs and civil society groups.
Ways of Involving Community Members in Pollution Prevention
Creating awareness and sensitizing the community members
Implementation of environmental restoration programmes through active involvement of the communities e.g fuel efficient stoves, afforestation, sanitation, water and soil conservation
The environmental awareness and education programmes must motivate and prepare the community members for active participation
The local community leader and decision makers must be involved in orientation, training, implementation and management of the programmes
Enacting laws and making it compulsory on each member of the community to participate in environmental prevention activities
Enlightening the community members on the danger and harmful effects of environmental pollution
Waging relentless war and punishing any member of the community who violate environmental laws.
Agencies Involved in Pollution Control
International agencies include:
United Nation Environmental Programme (UNEP)
World Bank
World Health Organization (WHO)
Global Environmental Monitoring Systems (GEMS)
National/State Agencies includes:
Federal Ministry of Environment
State Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Industries
Environmental Health Department
Non-governmental Organization (NGO) include:
Nigeria Conservation Foundation (NCF)
Nigerian Environmental Study/ Action Team (NEST)
Nigerian Environmental Society (NES)

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